Monday, November 19, 2012

Road Tripping

This week I'll be spending a lot of time in the car, 18 hours to be exact...yuck! There's nothing I hate more then being trapped in a car. I'm going to need a lot of xanax magazines and candy :) When traveling I want to be comfortable, so I put together a couple cute/cozy outfit ideas. Of course all three of them include leggings and over-sized sweaters :) real original eh? 


  1. This is like my favorite outfit combo for fall. That third sweater is pretty sweet.

  2. loving that gray sweater! uhg...i remember driving from chi to okoboji which is 8 hrs as well. SO LOOONG! good luck & safe travels! xo

  3. What perfect outfit ideas for a long car ride! Absolutely love them all. There is seriously nothing more comfy than an over-sized sweater and leggings. Love your blog, btw. I'm your newest follower :)


  4. Hey... who cares if leggings and over-sized sweaters aren't original. If you're going to ride in the car for 18 hours, elastic waist bands are a MUST! :)

    I really really love outfit #1, by the way. I would totally wear that, even on a day where I'm not in the car for a long time.

    SWEATshirt DRESSshirt

  5. Leggings are a MUST for roadtrips. I will never understand girls who wear jeans. Love the outfits you put together! Safe travels! :)

    xo Olivia
    go for the glam


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